Emerald Zoysia is a fine leafed, dense growing, shade tolerant dark green turfgrass well suited for tees or lawn. For over 55 years, Milberger Turfgrass farms have grown this variety making it the oldest, most widely used fine blade zoysia in Texas with adaptation to all areas of the Lone Star State.
Zeon is compatible with a wide range of soil conditions. It can handle full sun or light to medium shade. It has good drought tolerance and very few insect or disease problems.
Stadium is a medium coarse textured zoysiagrass primarily developed for use on golf courses and sports fields. Stadium produces a very dense turf with the darkest of greens in the zoysia mix. This density along with an extensive rhizome and root system gives Stadium excellent recovery characteristics.
El Toro
More information on this product coming soon.
Zorro is a fine-bladed, dark green grass with very good shade tolerance and rapid recuperative ability. Zorro is the #1 ranked Zoysia grass in the world with multiple uses in golf, commercial, and homesites.
Palisades is a medium bladed zoysiagrass with good to excellent shade tolerance. It withstands heavy foot traffic, requires low maintenance, as well as low water requirements.